Sound Healing Therapy
More and more, society is recognizing the health benefits of sound as medicine. The Sound & Consciousness Institute lists the following uses of sound/music in:
- Relaxation And Stress Relief
- Pain Control
- Reduction Of Anesthesia And Medications
- Sound Surgery To Restore Tissues As Well As Break Up Stones And Cancer Tumors
- Neurodevelopmental Remediation
- Correction Of Auditory Tonal Processing Difficulties
- Abatement Of Hearing Sensitivities
- Correction Of Learning Disabilities
- Accelerated Learning
- Birthing Assistance
- Meditation, Consciousness-Raising, Connecting To Spirit

The Sound Journey
- Charms Your Mind Into Stillness
- Resets the Nervous System
- Taps Into Your Bodyâs Natural Healing Ability
- Heightens Your Body’s Awareness Of Energy
- Tunes And Balances Your Chakra System
- Creates The Space To Hear Your Innate Wisdom
- Invites Communication Between Your Divine Guides & Highest Being
A private session with Heartsong consists of Usui Reiki amplified by a soundscape of world instruments, vocalizations, and quartz crystal bowls. Heartsong draws on the universal healing energy and channels Spirit Realm guides who serve her clients for their highest good, being and healing in the Love & Light in Service to Others. Often, messages or affirmations are revealed, a spirit song is gifted, or a healing mantra is given to raise one’s life-light frequency and wellness of being. Each Sound-Energy session is uniquely tailored and provides recipients with tangible notions and insights to incorporate into one’s life and spiritual practice.