We must educate the whole child, creatively, culturally, spiritually, morally, physically, technologically as well as intellectually. Good teachers recognize this and develop the child to his/her potential. The greatest gift you can give a child is self-esteem and confidence in their ability. If a child has these, no challenge is too great.
Carol Traynor
What fascinates kids is the unknown. What they feel, hear, and see engages their curious minds and they enthusiastically dive into experiences to learn.
When students walk into a classroom set up for a SoundPlay session, most have never seen, let alone heard the quartz crystal bowls, air chimes, thunder drum, or ocean drum. Within moments, a room filled with buzzing conversations of excitement and anticipation can be gleefully silenced by the pure tones of a crystal bowl and accompanying vocalizations. It is magical to see the wonder in their eyes and to watch their bodies respond to the instrument frequencies.
Research* shows how sound affects children. As a certified Ontario teacher who facilitates Kids SoundPlay parties and presentations for Kindergarten to Grade 8, it is inspiring to see how receptive and engaged kids can be in classes that incorporate seated breathwork, mindful movement, and Song-Soundplay. A 45 to 90-minute presentation aims to engage children’s senses, including their intuitive sixth sense.
Our senses perceive vibration and frequency. When students are immersed in sound frequencies and pure musical tones, this engages their brain wave patterns and electrical impulses to shift into a mindfulness state of awareness. Attending to the subtle energy of sound gives rise to listening, humming, and mindful moving. These sessions also invite children to visually express their experience by colouring where in their bodies they felt the rainbow colours of sound.
Once students use their six senses to experience Sound Frequencies, they are taught how to perceive the boundaries of personal space, the value of pitch and intonation of their own voice, and how they can shift emotional reactions by learning a few breathing techniques.

As each person receives the unique pure sounds of world instruments, there is opportunity to draw or label what is felt within their body. In truth, the illustrations often map out how their inner world perceives and experiences everyday life challenges and relationships.
- Instruments Are Dynamically Introduced
- Kids Learn And Practice Exercises To Raise Their Sensory Awareness, Mindfulness And Intuition.
- Students Express Through Mindful Movement, Dance, and Draw Where Instrument Vibrations and Frequencies Were Felt/Perceived through Kids Soundplay.
- 50 Min + Presentations Include Hands-on Lessons To Play With A Selection Of Instruments
- Senior Students Are Introduced To The Concepts Of Frequency Harmonics, Resonance, Dissonance, Measurement; Decibel Scale, and Hertz. A 3-Minute Video To Illustrate Cymatics: Science Vs Music
In schools, these presentations can be uniquely designed to meet specific objectives of the Arts Curriculum and 4 strands of Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts.

1. Cross-Curricular and Integrated Learning Art, Science, Mathematics, Music
2. Offer sensory experiences when planning for students with Special Education needs.
Kids SoundPlay Sessions can also be tailored to meet curriculum objectives in Montessori, Waldorf, and Home Schooling communities.
Teachers or parents who invite Heartsong Medicine to perform are always amazed at the wonderful engagement and enthusiasm kids have as they move, explore, sense, and colour during their experience of SoundPlay.
*Research Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11165-023-10108-7

Contact Stephanie Heartsong to book private or educational SoundPlay events.