Healing Services in Hamilton

To feel supported, purposeful, and balanced as you meet the fast-paced demands of life begins with valuing how you feel, respond, and take care of your needs. Heartsong Medicine services offer wellness ways to flourish.

Sound Healing

HeartSong Medicine

a therapeutic approach to tune and balance your body, mind, and energy systems.


Life Meditation

a guided mindfulness approach to relax the body and still the mind with various techniques.

Reiki Healing

Usui Shiki Ryoho

a natural hands-on Reiki healing session. Classes and apprenticeships are offered by Heartsong.

Holistic Healing

HeartSong Medicine

is a pathway to tuning into your Self.

Some claim that Heartsong meditations, soundscapes, Sacred SoundPlay events can be a “magical innerVerse journey” creating the space to feel more peaceful, joyful and empowered. Stephanie Heartsong aspires to offer you a unique and uplifting experience whether you seek a one-to-one session, attend a class, or schedule a wellness event in your workspace.

Lotus iconReiki Healing

supports your natural ability to restore spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical balance and optimal health.

Lotus iconSoul Life Therapy

A therapeutic inquiry-based, awareness training that brings clarity and resourcefulness to create a life you love.

Lotus iconSound Healing

consists of Usui Reiki amplified by a soundscape of world instruments, vocalizations, and quartz crystal bowls.

Lotus iconHeartsong Interviewed

The art of working with instruments to evoke healing. Soul Sound play is explained and experienced.

Lotus iconSoul Life Circle

A safe sacred gathering for women to connect, feel, learn, laugh and share.

Lotus iconLife Meditation

A practice of mindfulness, movement, stillness, breathwork, chants and mudras.

Lotus iconSoul Life Tarot

A spiritual life-purpose reading and soul conversation using the Osho Zen Tarot.

Lotus iconUpcoming Events

“What you seek is seeking you” (Rumi) Join us to awaken, energize and balance your mind, body and soul.

Stephanie HeartSong

About me

The pure tones of a quartz crystal bowl touched my life over 30 years ago! Today, I am honoured to facilitate and teach students and seekers of all ages the sense-sational healing power of Sound Medicine. When the call to serve, heal, and facilitate grew strong, I drew on my organizational expertise as a French Immersion school teacher to establish an innerlife therapeutic practice known as Heartsong Medicine. It combines my background in psychology and education, with my certified training in the holistic healing arts of Hatha yoga, Usui Reiki mastery, mindfulness meditation and years of offering sound frequency medicine in life, in schools and in business.


Heartsong Medicine aspires to create a safe and sacred space for you to experience the holistic healing power of meaningful dialogue, soul-loved sound, stillness, and frequencies that uplift your thoughts, reveal your wisdom, align your being and heart to live in your solutions and to manifest your purpose- filled life of health and happiness.


HeartSong Medicine is a pathway to tuning into your Self.

Experience the Soul Sound Play of Stephanie Heartsong’s Chakra Attuning session.


Frequently Asked Questions

It is a holistic therapeutic method to access, support and offer healing energy for the purpose of restoring the mind, body and spirit health and wellness. The practice as it is known today, dates back to 1922 when a Buddhist known as Mikao Usui researched ancient healing manuscripts seeking medicinal knowledge. His journey as a seeker, teacher, healer led him to develop an initiation ceremony to activate the body’s natural healing ability to channel the universal life force that exists all around us and connects us all as spiritual human beings.

Absolutely! Reiki provides the vital life energy you need to manage the transformational changes taking place as well as the mental and emotional stress. Having received Reiki throughout all aspects of my own three pregnancies and deliveries, I can only say that Reiki was a blessing and a daily self-practice at that time in my life. It made a huge difference.

It is entirely a personal choice. The more you receive Reiki, the better you feel. Physically, when there is a chronic health issue or a physical trauma, the sooner you receive Reiki the faster the body heals. Frequent Reiki sessions help you to feel more centered and integrated in everyday living. Reiki is always helpful when you are facing chronic illness such as cancer, asthma, migraines, etc. Emotionally, Reiki provides you with the energy to cope with inner turmoil and fears. This often provides what you need to change your relationship or perception of the nature of your suffering.

• Drink water & fluids; try to avoid alcohol for a day or two.

• Take time to relax to adjust to the effects of renewed energy levels

• Pay more attention to any thoughts, insights, dreams, and intimate conversations that you have within a few days of having received Reiki… solutions to issues or problems often present themselves in this way

In our fast-paced life the traditional Usui System of Reiki Healing (also known as Usui Shiki Ryoho) has seen many changes since the late 1990’s. Today, there are many different versions and systems taught online and in person. Some Reiki teachers see Reiki as a workshop that can be taught in little time, while other Reiki Masters follow the traditions laid out by Hawayo Takato (who introduced Reiki to North America in the 70’s).

The Reiki Alliance organization is a great source of information and can provide insights on the value of lineage for those who seek to embrace the traditional practice and path of Reiki knowledge.

Reiki requires a trained practitioner to honour the healing form, intention and ritual while serving as a channel of the Universal Life Force energy that is our vital source of health and well-being.

A Sound Healing session invites the practitioner to play instruments and vocalize the pure tones, sounds and frequencies for the purpose of naturally healing the physical, mental and emotional body. There are tangible vibrational effects on the brain and body. The subtle energy of sound can be measured and one can witness how harmonic patterns are designed. Scientific research in the field of sound medicine; ultrasonics and its medical applications is rapidly increasing.

Get In Touch


    Healing Quote

    My Blog

    Sharing experiences, feelings, observations, and lessons reveals our truth and gives rise to what wisdom lies within. May what is written and
    heart-shared be an opportunity to awaken, feel, and explore the many pathways to knowing ourselves as Soul-wise spiritual beings.

    What People Are Saying

    Lee C, Brantford

    May 3, 2024

    “Wholeheartedly, I recommend anyone who is on a journey of healing to experience a session with Heartsong.”


    Monica W, Toronto

    May 3, 2024

    “When I settled & really received the Reiki, I saw colors & lights dance inside myself.”


    Carey L, Kitchener

    May 3, 2024

    “My sinuses cleared after a good cry on the table. It was so amazing to let go!”
