innerVerse Medicine Journey

innerVerse Medicine Journey


Heartsong Medicine innerVerse Journey includes 3-4 hour-long guided personal journey 2 75-minute post-journey consultations to support integration through innerLife Therapy sessions and energy healing. Visit the Heartsong Medicine Blog page for an article on this offering.


innerVerse Medicine Journey


Heartsong Medicine innerVerse Journey includes

3-4 hour-long guided personal journey

2 75-minute post-journey consultations to support integration through innerLife Therapy sessions and energy healing.

Visit the Heartsong Medicine Blog page for an article on this offering.

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The innerVerse Medicine Journey

This immersive journey is designed to elevate your energetic frequency and help you access profound personal insights. It is a unique opportunity to explore your inner universe, facilitated by Heartsong, who provides a safe and sacred environment for your journey.


  • The experience lasts between 3 to 4 hours and can be attended either in person or via Zoom.


  • The goal of the sacred experience is to assist you in setting empowering intentions and uncovering transformational insights about your Soul-Self.

You are unconditionally served by heart-to-heart presence and the facilitation of:

Sacred Soundplay:

  • Engage in sound healing to facilitate emotional and spiritual release.

Energy Healing:

  • Receive energy healing to balance and harmonize your subtle energy systems.

Guided Meditation:

  • Participate in guided meditations that help you delve deeper into self-awareness and relaxation.

Post innerVerse Journey Sessions

  • We enjoy the 75-minute scheduled follow-up consultations.
    Sharing your dreams, visions, interpretations, and the wisdom gained helps to heal the mind-body-spirit and integrate the beneficial energies into your everyday life.

Responsibility and Guidance

  • Medicine Procurement:
    Participants are responsible for obtaining their own medicine in accordance with local laws and regulations.
  • Spiritual Guidance:
    Heartsong Medicine acts solely as a spiritual guide, offering support and presence throughout your journey.

This sacred experience is ideal for those seeking a deeper connection with themselves and a transformational journey in a supportive and spiritual setting.


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