About me
The pure tones of a quartz crystal bowl touched my life over 30 years ago! Today, I am honoured to facilitate and teach students and seekers of all ages the sense-sational healing power of Sound Medicine. When the call to serve, heal, and facilitate grew strong, I drew on my organizational expertise as a French Immersion school teacher to establish an innerlife therapeutic practice known as Heartsong Medicine. It combines my background in psychology and education, with my certified training in the holistic healing therapy of Hatha yoga, Usui Reiki mastery, mindfulness meditation and years of offering sound frequency medicine in life, in schools and in business.
is a pathway to tuning into your Self.
Some claim that Heartsong meditations, soundscapes, Sacred SoundPlay events can be a “magical innerVerse journey” creating the space to feel more peaceful, joyful and empowered. Stephanie Heartsong aspires to offer you a unique and uplifting experience whether you seek a one-to-one session, attend a class, or schedule a wellness event in your workspace.
Reiki Healing
supports your natural ability to restore spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical balance and optimal health.
Soul Life Therapy
A therapeutic inquiry-based, awareness training that brings clarity and resourcefulness to create a life you love.
Sound Healing
consists of Usui Reiki amplified by a soundscape of world instruments, vocalizations, and quartz crystal bowls.
Heartsong Interviewed
The art of working with instruments to evoke healing. Soul Sound play is explained and experienced.
Soul Life Circle
A safe sacred gathering for women to connect, feel, learn, laugh and share.
Life Meditation
A practice of mindfulness, movement, stillness, breathwork, chants and mudras.
Soul Life Tarot
A spiritual life-purpose reading and soul conversation using the Osho Zen Tarot.
Upcoming Events
What you seek is seeking you (Rumi). Join us to awaken, energize, and balance your mind, body, and soul.